On Earth as it is in Heaven.
That phrase seems to have followed me around my whole life.
It started when I was young and learning to talk to my father. Like many young christians, I learned the Lord’s prayer, and something about that line always stuck out to me. “On earth as it is in heaven”.
But heaven is perfect, and earth is not perfect at all? How can we make earth like heaven?
In high school, it followed me around the ministries I served in.
Everywhere I went, the goal was to love people and serve them well, doing everything we possibly could to show them the love of the Lord. To care for them and champion them the way that God does, in a way that would glorify and exalt his name.
On Earth as it is in Heaven.
It followed me to backyard bible club, a gathering of college students who would visit low income neighborhoods to bless and care for the kids who lived there, helping with homework, playing with them, and being a source of light and support in some incredibly challenging situations. It focused on meeting kids where they were, and understanding that God alone does the saving and the life changing.
On Earth as it is in Heaven.
And then it followed me into the LOT project, a homeless ministry I had the blessing of being a part of for seven precious months. The LOT was a place where everyone was welcome, and the door was always open. Anyone could come in and receive prayer, food, clothes, comfort, and friendship. If you needed something we didn’t have, we would do everything in our power to connect you with someone who could help you. It was loving people through their brokenness, and showing up for them, no matter the circumstances. Right next to the front door of LOT, a sign reads: In Anderson as it is in Heaven.
No matter where I go, this phrase has always been on my heart. It’s something that I try to embrace in all that I do: to do everything I can to make earth like heaven: a place where all people, no matter their background or status or job situation or gang affiliation or income or political views or religious upbringing or race or age, know that they are deeply known and wildly loved by their creator. It’s not me that does any of the saving or changes anyone’s lives. It’s the transforming power of the gospel that can break every chain and turn around even the darkest of circumstances.
Through my senior year of high school and my first year of college, I prayed relentlessly for direction for my life. I had no major prospects, no idea what I wanted to do, and I just felt stuck and out of place. In my prayers, I just heard over and over again “do what I’ve called you to do”. “Lord,” I would reply, “I don’t know what it is that you’ve called me to do”.
It took months for me to realize that I knew the answer all along, I just told myself I didn’t know because the answer wasn’t “go to college” or “become a nurse”.
“Love people,” he said. “Love them well”.
Shortly thereafter, I was led to the World Race, and quickly realized that this is what the Lord had for me in my next season. After committing to the race, I received a welcome package full of t-shirts, hoodies, stickers, and all sorts of goodies welcoming me to the race.
And sitting at the very top was a black ball cap with the words:
“On Earth as it is in Heaven”.
I don’t know what the next nine months will hold. I don’t know who I’ll be in nine months or what I’ll be doing after.
What I do know is that I’m going to fully embrace the call I’ve had on my life since before I was born, to love people deeply and truly, through their brokenness with unconditional love, giving all glory to father so that it may be on earth as it is in heaven.
P.S.- I put this phrase on a t-shirt to support my trip, if you’re interested, check out this link below!
Yes! Because God so loved the world…. Because I have been shown that lavish love.,.God help me love like you do. On earth as it is in heaven.